Remember to Look Up

Light captured in the tree canopy at Ballymoyer Forest.
Ballymoyer Giants - iPhone 12 Pro Max, ISO 25, f / 2.4, 1/100 

In May 2022 I joined a walking group through connections with my brother-in-law.

I wanted to explore some new walking areas and take on challenges.

The motivation that comes with being part of the group has been enjoyable and I've appreciated meeting people and discovering new places I never knew existed.

The first walk was at a little-known National Trust forest called Ballymoyer.

I enjoyed the simple walk. It was easy but I was a little apprehensive about taking my new camera because I was self-conscious about carrying it. Instead I slipped the iPhone 12 Pro Max in the pocket.

No doubt with time I will become confident carrying the camera.

Ballymoyer forest walk was 5 km and it was an enjoyable introduction to the new walking group.

Some of the group walked on while John, Kevin, and myself followed behind. We chatted about everything and anything and at one point, for some reason, I looked up to the tree canopy and I saw how the light was captured by the yellow leaves.

The sight taught me a lesson.

When you're talking or walking look up because you could miss a fantastic scene.

Alan Marsden

Alan Marsden

Meditating with a camera through different genres. Writing on photography, technology, and life.
Northern Ireland